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UltraOrthodox Haredim In Israel Help Soldiers and Build Unity on the Front Lines | Brothers in Arms
Israeli ultra orthodox haredim drop everything to support their brothers on the frontlines in the war against Gaza.
J.P. Katz
Nov 12, 20231 min read

Are governments unknowingly funding genocidal education?
Did you know that taxpayers around the world indirectly fund genocidal education in Hamas and Palestinian schools via the U.N.?
J.P. Katz
Oct 16, 20231 min read

Has Israel Created a State of Chaos in the West Bank?
Ranking members of the Israeli Knesset weigh in about how the Israeli military and governmental leaders need to wake up before its too late.
J.P. Katz
Oct 8, 20231 min read

Fighting Lies About Israel In the Media | Simon Plosker from HonestReporting on the TRIBECAST
Honest reporting has been fighting lies about Israel in the media. We deep dived with Simon Plosker, Editorial Director at Honest Reporting.
J.P. Katz
Mar 26, 202324 min read

Derech Emunah: Founding a New Yishuv in the Hills of Judea |הישוב מאחז החרדי דרך אמונה בהרי יהודה
This film chronicles the actual early morning Aug. 15, 2022 ascent by approximately 50 - 100 men to build a new village in the Judea hills.
J.P. Katz
Aug 21, 20223 min read

Ramat Bet Shemesh Dalet
These two guys in Ramat Bet Shemesh Dalet give hope to families who are seeing rents go up in English speaking communities in Israel.
J.P. Katz
Jul 9, 20223 min read

Aliyah to Israel: Children's biggest challenge
there are no shortages of challenges that accompany new opportunities in their new home...but what about the children?
J.P. Katz
Jun 19, 20227 min read

Media and War Against Israel: Fight for the Camera
People try to ignore this rabbit hell hole but it keeps surfacing all over our small planet as countries war against each other.
J.P. Katz
Mar 13, 20224 min read

American Football in Israel
Bet Shemesh Rebels put on a clinic Sat. night in Bet Shemesh in their debut game after a two year hiatus. TRIBE brings you onto the field fo
Feb 6, 20221 min read

What is Sheikh Jarrah?
I knew that I couldn't truly understand the Israel Palestinian conflict by sitting in an office or on a couch 7,000 miles away. I also...
J.P. Katz
Jan 30, 20225 min read

Is the Palestinian Authority Using Bedouin Children?
Is the European Union funding squatters to live east of East Jerusalem putting the lives of Bedouin children in harms way?
J.P. Katz
Dec 12, 20216 min read

Vice Lies - Deep Dive
This is a closer look at the rise and fall of vice news and how the media company is furthering violence and deaths on both sides of war zon
J.P. Katz
Nov 30, 20217 min read

Maccabee Hiding Spot Uncovered
Hiding spot mentioned in the Book of Maccabees after Judah Maccabee was killed in battle has gone untouched 2,000 years...until now.
J.P. Katz
Nov 27, 20212 min read

Making Aliyah to Israel?
Aliyah has always been an individual sport. Have things changed in recent years? Communities from North America are signing up to move to Is
J.P. Katz
Nov 13, 20211 min read

Farming the Judean Hills (West Bank)
This documentary looks at the Arab Israeli relations not from the viewpoint of politicians but rather from the citizens on the ground.
J.P. Katz
Oct 3, 20213 min read

What is a hate crime?
Former Assistant District Attorney, Michael Thaler breaks down the timeline and factors in a hate crime determination.
J.P. Katz
Jul 16, 202112 min read

Facebook Censors Jewish Content Giant, Aish.
Aish, one of the largest online creators of Jewish content boasting 1 million visitors each month, was censored by Facebook when Aish made a
J.P. Katz
Jun 13, 20211 min read

Facebook Says G-d is Rated R
Welcome to the twilight zone folks. Just when you thought things couldn't get more weird, Facebook covers a post effectively restricting...
J.P. Katz
Jun 3, 20211 min read

Rabbi suspended from Facebook for saying Hitler was wrong
Rabbi Akiva Pollack was suspended from Facebook when he tried to counter a digital twitter attack on Jews everywhere. Twitter was complacent
J.P. Katz
May 27, 20212 min read

The War Zone on Your Phone
Why are we so polarized? What if more than 50% of all tweets on hot topics impacting our society were fake accounts created by digital...
J.P. Katz
Mar 25, 20212 min read
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