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How to apply for food stamps in a SNAP

J.P. Katz

Deep dive on attaining food security from the Department of Transitional Assistance.

During these challenging times many angels have risen to the challenge to keep our communities strong. Of course, most of these people remain hidden and push off any form of recognition but opt to quietly exemplify acts of loving kindness anonymously to benefit their neighbors and communities in the most dignified way. There are so many wonderful synagogues and organizations who are facilitating such beautiful and empathetic support for families and individuals alike. I have spoke to more than a few heroes in producing this video report and since most wanted to remain out of the spotlight, we decided to focus on the SNAP Benefits for this report. That being said, we would be remiss if we did not at least mention some of the organizations that have been instrumental in keeping our community strong, vibrant and fed during these challenging times.

Special shout out to the synagogues, the Jewish Family & Children’s Service, the CJP Warm Line, the Teferet Refael Brighton Kosher Food Pantry (, Ohr Shabbat and the many other organizations helping countless individuals throughout Boston. Additionally, some of the larger national organizations such as the CJP, Agudath Israel of America and the Orthodox Union have been instrumental in providing guidance and financial support to local organizations and building out proper distribution channels throughout our communities.

In this episode we meet with a SNAP Specialist at Bet Tzedek (781-693-1333) to deep dive into the federal food security programs available to individuals and families of all sizes. The video discusses how to apply, income levels and family sizes, how the card operates like a debit card and other important details. If you or a friend are struggling financially or anticipate that you will be in the coming weeks or months, please reach out to your local synagogues. If you do not belong to a synagogue or need additional resources, you may want to contact the CJP Warmline (1-800-CJP-9500) who can help direct traffic.

To apply for SNAP benefits directly, you can call (877) 382-2363 or visit to find out more or begin the application process which may be filled out online.

May we continue to go from strength to strength as a community and offer each other friendship, encouragement and support during these uniquely challenging times.

If you would like to get involved or volunteer, please contact us at and we’ll try to find you a great fit based on your interests and sensitivities.

Click here for a state directory of contacts to help with SNAP benefits.

How much benefits per household?


States may vary. In Massachusetts, for example, multiply the poverty guideline by a factor of 2 to arrive at 200% of the amount listed below in the national poverty guideline.




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