Meet real people. Moshe left everything behind to farm land in one of the most highly disputed pieces of real estate in the world, in the middle of a desert.
In this rare glimpse into the life of a Jewish farmer in Judea-Samaria and the Jordan Valley, TRIBE Journal visits with Moshe, a fifty-year old man who had previously built a now flourishing community near Shilo in the Samaria region of Israel's disputed territories. He, his wife and children left the community they founded and set out to do it again.

During the Oslo Accords Judea-Samaria and the Jordan Valley were divided up into Areas A, B and C. Area A was supposed to begin the roll out of a newly formed Palestinian State and the Area C was supposed to belong to the Israelis. However, Oslo was dead in the water since terror persisted to claim thousands of civilian lives and the explicit ambition of the so called partners for peace to wipe Israel off the map. Nonetheless, after the Massacre on Oct. 7th, 2023 the United States continues to push for a two state solution even though the area of the Massacre was not even part of Oslo's "disputed" Israeli territories and the Jews had completely withdrawn from Gaza in 2005.

Since the Fayyad Plan in 2009, the Palestinian Authority has continued to gobble up swaths of land by developing housing and commercial real estate and farms in strategic locations which either block military corridors or choke off Israeli communities. The P.A. has publicly delcared its intent to build a de facto Palestinian State with the ambition to declare independence at a later point in time. They are funded largely by the European Union.
Film Overview
This short film explores one individual who built his farm in this undisclosed Area C location in an effort to protect the land from the unilateral expansionism of the Palestinian Authority. The "settlers" are demonized in the mainstream media and so they prefer not to not talk to the media. We are grateful for the trust and the opporutnity that Moshe has given us to tell his story and we dedicate this film to all of those unsung heroes who put their lives on the line for the one Jewish state.
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